Tuesday, March 9, 2010

The Cat's Out of the Bag

Greetings, Dear Readers:

Here's a picture of me after my mom told me a story that was too frightening to even think was true. It's really a Cat-astrophe, so much so, that I can barely use my paws to craft this craftily spun blog posting.
But I am courageous (and handsome), so I will tell my story.
My mom apparently has this incredibly gifted Humanities class. They analyze literature well, and they have awesome intellectual discussions about the literature. It seems mom enjoys spending time with them -- even if it is on a Tuesday night.
So far, so good, right? Not so. Onto the disturbing part that set my magnificent tuxedo fur into a frizzy tizzy.
Apparently, a few students were making some snide remarks about how a cat cannot blog and were joking around about me during class discussion. Now I don't know what I have to do with world literature -- other than I am a worldly sort of cat and am very well-read -- but these comments are unwarranted.
I keep trying to figure out why some students have difficulty with the idea that 1) yes, cats can blog; it's called a cata-blog and that 2) cats can be eloquent and 3) no one is as handsome as me.
All I can say is a big Me-ouch for now,